Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who was injured while shooting for Farah Khan’s Happy New Year as a heavy door ad fallen on him .He was immediately taken to Nanavati hospital and had various tests done on him . after carrying out the tests SRK returned to the sets to complete the shoot, but all was not right with the star as he was thoroughly shaken.
According to sources”Shah Rukh Khan was shooting with Abhishek Bachchan, Sonu Sood and Deepika Padukone for Farah Khan’s Happy New Year when a heavy 10×5 door came crashing down straight towards Shah Rukh. He ducked. But couldn’t escape entirely though. He had bleeding gash on the right side of his forehead. His knee was also injured. Worst of all, Shah Rukh’s shoulder which has undergone several surgeries took the weight of the falling door. Shah Rukh was in a lot of pain. He is also become frail because of the repeated injuries and surgeries. The entire team went to the hospital with him. They were there for more than 4 hours. Thorough tests including CT scan and an MRI scan were done.”
Sources further added, “Shah Rukh and the entire team went back to shoot at the Marriott. Shah Rukh had his hand in a sling. He took of his sling and did his shots. But he was quite shaken. The shooting has been cancelled on Friday to allow Shah Rukh to rest.”
Get well soon SRK.