Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s next release is ‘Happy New Year’ a Farah Khan movie, with Deepika Padukone in the lead. Well the poster of the movie was released today, and now the Badshah Khan has come up with a surprising New Year gift for his fans. A specially autographed poster by him. SRK took to Twitter to inform his fans about it and also posted a link from where they can tweet to get their personalized poster.
Shah Rukh Khan tweeted, “Every fan can get personalised ‘Happy New Year’ poster autographed by Shah Rukh Khan. Tweet now to @iamsrk with @Hny #HNYPoster and Get Yours Now! Hurry. I hope you like the poster for the film Happy New Year. All that begins this year or ends this year for you, may it be the best for each one of you.”
Happy New Year is all set to be a Diwali release and also has Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani and Sonu Sood along with Jackie Shroff in it. So be prepared to get your personalized poster from SRK.