Superstar Shah Rukh Khan seems to be giving gifts to his near and dear ones. On Valentine Day he had gifted a sedan to his wife Gauri and now he has gifted his co-star and new good friend Abhishek Bachchan a high end bike.
As per sources, Shahrukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan had bonded well on the sets of Farah Khan’s ‘Happy New Year’. Abhi had even gifted a bicycle to Shahrukh. Now SRK has reciprocated and gifted AB Jr a high end bike that cost around Rs 12. 5 lakh. He had it delivered to the Bachchan house pleasantly surprising his friend.
Shahrukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan had earlier worked in KANK but their relationship soured when he was not invited to the Abhi-Ash wedding in 2007. Later, the ice between Abhishek and SRK was broken at photographer Daboo Ratnani’s party to launch his 2012 calendar. However the two actors have really bonded during the making of Happy New Year.
Long live your friendship Abhi-SRK!