Earlier in May this year, Vidya Balan confirmed that she is playing the lead role in India’s legendary mathematician Shakuntala Devi’s biopic. And today much to everyone’s delight the actress unveiled her first look from the film.
In her short hairdo, Vidya is indeed looking exactly like the math genius Shakuntala Devi. Sharing the film’s teaser, Vidya wrote, “She was extraordinary, in every sense of the word! Know the story of the child prodigy & the human-computer, #ShakuntalaDevi”
You can check out the teaser below which introduces the audience to the child prodigy and maths genius Shakuntala.
She was extraordinary, in every sense of the word! Know the story of the child prodigy & the human computer, #ShakuntalaDevi
@sonypicsprodns @Abundantia_Ent @anumenon1805 @vikramix @SnehaRajani pic.twitter.com/P2PAqPp5Tt— vidya balan (@vidya_balan) September 16, 2019
Earlier talking about the film, Vidya had said, “I am extremely excited to play the human-computer, Shakuntala Devi, on the big screen. She was truly someone who embraced her individuality, had a strong feminist voice and braved many a naysayer to reach the pinnacle of success. But what truly fascinates me is that you wouldn’t normally associate a fun person with Math…and she completely turns that perception on its head.”
The biopic’s shooting has begun and here’s Vidya’s terrific look from the film.
Excitement is multiplying each day! Time to dig into the 'root' of the mathematical genius, #ShakuntalaDevi. #FilmingBegins
@sonypicsprodns @Abundantia_Ent @anumenon1805 @vikramix @SnehaRajani pic.twitter.com/Ayz2TNlePF— vidya balan (@vidya_balan) September 16, 2019
Directed by Anu Menon, the film is produced by Vikram Malhotra, under the banner of Abundantia. The film is scheduled to hit the screens in Summer next year.
Aren’t you guys excited for this film?
Also Read: Shakuntala Devi biopic: Sanya Malhotra roped in to play Vidya Balan’s daughter?
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