Bollywood Legendary Amitabh Bachchan Breaks his Silence on the Recent Gang rape Incident which happened with the Photographer in Mumbai.
Amitabh Bachchan in a Recent Event Said , It is a shameful act. It is a matter of shame and insult to the city of Mumbai for such a disgraceful thing (gang rape) that has happened here. A photojournalist who was deputed for her work, became a victim. It makes us saddened,”
He Further added , “The authorities concerned need to immediately catch hold of the victims and proper rigorous action needs to be taken at the earliest . Just a day prior we have all celebrated rakhi, which bonds us with woman as a sister. This festival also reminds us of protecting any girl… and at this point of time, Mumbai has been struck with such a heinous event,” he said.
Many other bollywood Celebrities too Expressed their Anger on Social Media.