Power-house performer Radhika Apte is indeed ruling the OTT platforms. After making her presence felt on Netflix, Radhika is now all set to rule Apple’s OTT platform as well. The actress will be starring in Apple’s international series ‘Shantaram’, which is based on Gregory David Roberts’ novel of the same name. The series also features Richard Roxburgh and Charlie Hunnam. Now isn’t that a great news? Radhika is going places and we are absolutely loving it.
As per a report in Deadline, Radhika will play Kavita, an Indian journalist looking for answers in this series. Whereas, Roxburgh will play a detective Sergeant Marty Nightingalem who works for the Australian Federal Police.
The series will be shot extensively in India and Australia. The first two episodes of this 10 episode series will be directed by Justin Kurzel.
Radhika is indeed very happy to be a part of this project. She shared her excitement while posting the news on her Insta handle. Her friends and fans expressed their happiness over this exciting news.
Kalki Koechlin wrote on Apte’s post, “Omg!!!!!!!!! Whoopee”, whereas Amruta Subhash wrote, “This is huge!! So proud of you”
In Bollywood, Apte was last seen in ‘AndhaDhun’ and ‘Bombairiya’.
Congratulations Radhika, we are looking forward to watching this series.
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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