The allegations of sexual assault against ace filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani has sent Bollywood into a shock. Notably, Rajkumar Hirani was accused of sexual misconduct by an assistant director of his 2018 directorial ‘Sanju’. From Dia Mirza to Amardeep Jha to Arshad Warsi, everyone has expressed their views on the matter and stood with Rajkumar Hirani. Likewise, actor Sharman Joshi has come forward in support of the ‘Munnabhai MBBS’ director.
Sharman Joshi, who worked with Hirani in ‘3 Idiots’, supported the ace filmmaker through a Twitter post. He also started the #IStandforRajuHirani hashtag in support of the director. Sharman further called Hirani a man of immense integrity, character and honour.
— Sharman Joshi (@TheSharmanJoshi) January 14, 2019
According to a report published in HuffPost India, the woman had written a detailed mail to Hirani’s partner Vidhu Vinod Chopra and his wife Anupama Chopra two months ago. In the mail, the alleged victim shared that Hirani had sexually abused her for around 6 months.
Following these allegations, Vidhu Vinod Chopra dropped Rajkumar Hirani’s name as the producer of his upcoming film ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’. Meanwhile, Hirani denied the charges and said that the accusations have been made to malign his reputation.
He said, “I was completely shocked when these allegations were brought to my notice about two months back. I had suggested immediately that it is essential to take this matter to any committee or any legal body. The complainant has chosen to go to the media instead. I want to very strongly state that this is a false malicious and mischievous story being spread with the sole intention of destroying my reputation.”
Also Read: ‘3 Idiots’ actress Amardeep Jha shocked to hear #MeToo charges against Hirani
A Journalist by profession, a writer by own choice. Loves to write and writes to live. Love to write for Politics, Crime and Entertainment beat. Completed my Masters in Communication and Journalism from S.K Somaiya College of Arts, Science & Commerce College.
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