Saif Ali Khan recently left his fans shocked after he was attacked by burglars who broke out at his residence at early hours of Thursday. The intruders attacked him at 2:30 am and the actor sustained six stabs wounds. He was quickly rushed to Lilavati Hospital and has been undergoing surgery. While the probe is underway, Saif Ali Khan’s mother Sharmila Tagore arrived at the hospital.
Sharmila Tagore arrives at Lilavati Hospital to visit Saif Ali Khan
The actress and Khan’s mother arrived in the evening, visibly upset and worried. Earlier today, Saif Ali Khan’s sister Soha Ali Khan and her husband and actor Kumal Khemmu had also visited him. Reportedly Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor too paid visit to the actor at Lilavati hospital.
An official statement had been issued by Saif Ali Khan’s team earlier. It read, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It’s a police matter. We will keep you updated on the situation.”
Kareena Kapoor’s team also shared a similar statement, adding that the rest of the family is doing fine. It read, “There was an attempted burglary at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which he is in hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine. We request the media and fans to be patient and not speculate any further as the Police are already doing their due investigations. Thank you all for your concern.”
We wish the Saif Ali Khan a safe and healthy recovery.