Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai tied the knot on April 20, 2007, in an intimate ceremony. While many expected a grand Bollywood wedding, the Bachchan family opted for a private affair due to personal circumstances, leaving several close friends uninvited. To express their goodwill, they sent sweets and wedding cards to those they couldn’t invite. However, one recipient, veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha, surprised everyone by returning the card and sweets.
Shatrughan Sinha on Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan wedding
Shatrughan Sinha explained his decision in an interview with Mid-Day, saying, “Jab bulaaya nahin phir mithai kis baat ki? (When you are not invited, why is the need to send sweets?). I won’t be put in second place and embarrass him by accepting the sweets. The least I expected was that either Amitabh or someone from the family would call me up before sending the sweets. When that was not done, why the mithai?”
Abhishek Bachchan reveals his wedding with Aishwarya Rai was an intimate affair
Abhishek Bachchan later revealed on Koffee With Karan the reason behind their decision to keep the wedding low-key. He said, “Very honestly, people are forgetting a very, very major reason why our family wanted to keep it very intimate. There was an ailing grandmother at the hospital, and my father said, ‘You know, we do not feel good about going out there and having a big celebration.’”
The Bachchan family sent out cards seeking blessings instead of hosting a grand celebration. Addressing the controversy, Abhishek said, “Did I want to invite? Did my family want to invite? Did her family want to invite the entire world? Yes. But our parents, all together, sent out a card seeking the blessings of everybody. And everybody was okay with that except for one person who returned that. And that was fine. That was Shatrughan uncle, he returned the card, and that was fine. We accepted it back. You can’t please everyone.”
Despite this incident, the wedding remains one of Bollywood’s most memorable unions. Abhishek and Aishwarya respected Shatrughan Sinha’s response, highlighting their understanding that not everyone could be pleased during such personal moments.