Shilpa Shetty has decided to continue with her responsibilities, just as earlier, amidst her husband, businessman Raj Kundra’s arrest in a pornography-related case. The actress was clicked in the city on Wednesday. Ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi 2021, Shilpa Shetty welcomed Lord Ganesha at her home. She was clicked while bringing Bappa home. The actress is following the traditions. And even this year, she was seen welcoming Bappa with a million-dollar smile. Shilpa Shetty was spotted striking a happy pose for the paparazzi as she brought Lord Ganesha home.
The actress was clicked while she left for taking the idol home. She looked totally in her element, welcoming Bappa. Shilpa is seen folding her hands and smiling for pictures.
Take a look at the photos below:
Shilpa Shetty wore a classy floral printed Kurta. She donned a pair of cool shades and had left her long tresses down.
Meanwhile, the Hungama 2 actress has managed to return to her normal life after Raj Kundra’s arrest. After Raj Kundra’s arrest, Shilpa broke her silence. She released a statement on behalf o the family. Shilpa was on a short break and took time off social media, but has resumed work once again. She made appearances on the show Super Dancer Chapter 4.
In the past few days, Shilpa Shetty has dropped many cryptic posts. She has made posts on mistakes, highs and lows and lots more. The actress is even sharing pictures of her dressed in classy outfits.
Work-wise, Shilpa was seen in the film Hungama 2. The movie starred Meezan Jaffry and Paresh Rawal. It released on an OTT platform.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty drops a note on getting affected by sadness in life: ‘Live in the now, everything is temporary’