Bollywood diva Shipla Shetty seems to have landed in legal trouble as a businessman has filed the complaint against her. Notably, a businessman filed a complaint against Shilpa, her sister Shamita Shetty and mother Sunanda Shetty in more than Rs 21 lakh loan which was taken by her late father Surendra Shetty. According to reports, Shilpa’s father was supposed to pay the loan amount with interest in January 2017.
The complainant is a proprietor of an automobile agency, Parhad Amra, according to mid-day report. Shilpa’s family have reportedly denied allegations and stated that they will be present on January 29, for hearing at the Metropolitan Magistrate Court. The complainant Parhad claimed that he had given Shilpa’s father over Rs 21 lakh in 2015 to provide financial help for his business.
The report stated, “Amra paid the first instalment of Rs 8 lakh on August 20, 2015, from his automobile agency account, then a second one of Rs 5 lakh on September 5, 2015 from his personal account, and the third one of Rs 8 lakh on October 7, 2015 from his automobile agency’s account. All payments were made through cheques drawn in the favour of Surendra’s firm ‘Corgifts’.”
The complainant also claimed that Surendra Shetty’s two daughters and his wife were his partner and aware of this business transaction. However, few months before the set date, Surendra passed away in October 2016. Post his demise, “Sunanda and her daughters denied that the loan was ever advanced, and refused to repay the amount,” Parhad added.
On the other hand, Shilpa told mid-day, “I have never had any involvement in my late father’s business, and have no knowledge at all of the financial dealings of the company. This gentleman is misleading the media. I knew him in the capacity of our family car mechanic that’s all.”
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty-Raj Kundra anniversary: 7 times the couple mesmerised us with their romance
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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