Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh is currently on a cloud nine at the moment. The 33-year-old’s latest flick ‘Gully Boy’ is doing stupendous business at the box-office. It is just a matter of time before the film enters the Rs 100 crore club. Ranveer is getting better by each passing day and is creating new milestones.
Now, Shilpa Shetty who has joined the stars and cannot stop praising the film. Shilpa was papped going on a movie night with her husband Raj Kundra, her mother and her family. The actress came out of the movie theatre and was all smiles, when the paparazzi asked her about the film, the actress said ‘hard hai Bhai hard’.
Watch the video:
Shilpa Shetty has always been a great sport when it comes to supporting her peers from the industry. The dancing diva is always there to cheer and applaud her friends which is so good to see.
Ranveer Singh is going through a purple patch and after the success of ‘Padmaavat’ and ‘Simmba’, and he is showing no signs of stopping down. Ranveer seems like he is hungry for success and will not be resting on his laurels anytime soon. The actor despite his goofy nature is a thorough professional.
The ‘Gunday’ actor is in a zone at the moment where very few actors reach and he is enjoying all the attention and limelight.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for all the latest news and updates.
Also Read: Watch: Shilpa Shetty shouts ‘How’s The Josh?’ on seeing Vicky Kaushal
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