On Monday (July 19) Mumbai Police arrested Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra and others for their alleged involvement in adult film racket. Following Raj’s arrest speculation were rife that soon Shilpa will also be summoned by Mumbai police in connection with the pornography production racket. However latest reports state that the actress won’t be summoned by the police. Read on to know the details.
According to ETimes report, a source close to Mumbai police has confirmed that the actress won’t be summoned in Raj Kundra case. The portal quoted the source saying as, “Shilpa Shetty is one of the directors of Viaan Industries while the police investigation is probing into Kenrin only.”
For the unversed, UK-based company Kenrin is the owner of HotShots app on which the porn content allegedly created by Kundra and his associate were distributed. Kundra’s brother-in-law Pradeep Bakshi is the owner of Kenrin. Meanwhile, Raj and his IT head Ryan Tharpe are have been sent to judicial custody till July 23.
Previously, talking about the case Mumbai police had confirmed that Raj would earn in lakhs daily and that his business flourished during the lockdown.
Last night, Shilpa broke her stoic silence following the arrest of her husband. She shared a post on surviving challenges and living in the moment.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty shares FIRST post after Raj Kundra’s arrest: Have survived challenges in the past