Shilpa Shetty is eagerly awaiting the release of Indian Police Force, her collaboration with Rohit Shetty. The show also stars Sidharth Malhotra and Vivek Oberoi who are a part of Rohit Shetty’s copverse along with Shilpa Shetty. Though the director is known for his action spectacles, he is also known for comic capers like Golmaal. Now, actress Shilpa Shetty shared how her collaboration with Rohit Shetty began and revealed that she was approached for Golmaal.
Rohit Shetty had offered Golmaal to Shilpa Shetty
Shilpa Shetty recently got into a chat with Bollywood Hungama where she spoke about her team up with Rohit. She said, “My dad was crazy about movies and he assisted Rohit’s dad in Yaadon Ki Baaraat. Shetty uncle and he were friends, my dad was a part of the action team in Yaadon Ki Baraat and even Raffoochakkar.”
Furthermore, she added, “I keep telling Rohit that we were destined to work. We were supposed to work even 14 years ago, he had approached me for Golmaal. But I had just won Big Brother and was travelling, he was doing his things. I was so gutted because when u see a brand becoming so big, you wish you were in the movie. But I am glad we are doing this amazing project together now.”
Well, it would have been a delight to watch Shilpa Shetty in Golmaal. However, now that she is collaboration with Rohit Shetty, Indian Police Force gets all the more exciting to watch once it begins streaming on 19 January, 2024.
Also read: Did you know Shilpa Shetty’s character in Indian Police Force was originally written for a hero? Rohit Shetty reveals
Vasima Kazi has stepped her foot forward in the entertainment domain and is thrilled by its buzz. She is an active part of the Editiorial team at Bollywood Bubble and gives a part of herself in writing about celebs, TV, movies, shows, and all things entertainment. She is keen on leaving a strong online imprint and bringing the best out of herself. Apart from writing, she would not mind grabbing a steaming cup of coffee and getting lost in her world of books and fiction.
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