There are a few Bollywood celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra and Jacqueline Fernandez among others who make their furry pets famous with their Instagram posts. We have seen many ‘aww’ moments of these celebrities with their pets. Shilpa Shetty is the latest actor to welcome her pet, which is a cat.
Shilpa has adopted a feline and she took to Instagram to welcome her new pet at home. She captioned the video as, “Introducing #zazu an addition to our family (@shamitashetty_official pet kitten) He was sweeter than my #sundaybinge.”
In the video, we see Shilpa with her son Viaan playing with Zazu, the new black fur cat.
Here’s the video.
This is not the first time Shilpa has adopted a cat. Earlier too, she brought home a white cat named Queenie. She introduced it to her fans on social media. Shilpa is an animal lover and she has a fondness for cats. When her Persian cat went missing, the actress went berserk and posted a lengthy post on her Instagram seeking help to find her lost cat.