Hosted by Salman Khan, ‘Bigg Boss’ is one of the most popular TV reality shows, if not the most. The show’s tenth season kickstarted recently with a promising line of contestants, apart from the unending charm of host Salman Khan. However, the TRP is already dropping down and was unable to make it to even the channel’s top 10 shows! This year, according to BARC data, impression achieved by the show is 3801. With this, the show ranks 18th among 20 most popular shows on Colors. This is lower than that of last year.
Interesting and varied characters of participants and Salman Khan putting in his best efforts to spice up things are not helping. We tried to post-mortem the possible cause. Apparently, it is the new time slot of the show that is going against its viewership.
‘Bigg Boss’ was earlier aired at 9 pm which was later changed to 10:30 pm. Assumably, the show is missing out on a large number of dedicated viewers as the said slot is unfit for them.
Also Read: Salman Khan to do a special appearance in Varun Dhawan-starrer ‘Judwaa 2’
Some also opine that the contestants, unlike other years, are unable to create enough publicity tricks and controversies that usually irk the viewers and keep them glued.
But most importantly, a crowd-puller like Salman Khan is failing to cast his charm. His name was enough reason for fans to follow the show. That really isn’t happening anymore. Is it because various external factors like his much-talked about relationship Iulia Vantur and latest controversies are giving him serious sleepless nights? We wonder!
Whatever the reason may be, this certainly isn’t a good news for ‘Bigg Boss’ fans.
Let’s wait and watch if they buck up!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.