Shraddha Kapoor last appeared on the big screen in a leading capacity back in March 2020 with Baaghi 3. Since then, the actress hasn’t had a release and her fans have been eagerly waiting for her return. Thus, when she made a special appearance in the Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon-starrer Bhediya’s song Thumkeshwari, all everyone talked about was her, as they just loved seeing her back on the screen. Recently, she increased their excitement again with the title announcement of her next with Ranbir Kapoor and with all this hullabaloo around, she decided to make it a lazy Sunday.
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On Sunday morning, Shraddha Kapoor dropped a couple of selfies from her bed with the sun shining on her face. The actress is donning a no make-up look and she looks just beautiful in this avatar. The smile on her face just accentuate the beauty of the pictures and along with it, Shraddha wrote a fun caption, saying, “Aaj haq se kuch nahi karenge (sic)”.
Check out Shraddha’s pictures here:
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All this while when Shraddha was missing from the screen, her social media became a way for her fans to stay connected with her and the morning selfies became a permanent fixture. Even the actress never disappoints her fans and recently she left them all the more excited with the quirky title announcement video of her next with Ranbir, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, which is directed by Luv Ranjan. The film is slated to release on March 8, 2023 as a Holi release and apart from that, Shraddha is also expected to start the shoot of Stree 2 in 2023, which was teased by her presence in Thumkeshwari, followed by RajKummar Rao and Aparshakti Khurana’s cameo in Bhediya.
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Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor look mischievous yet melodramatic in first poster of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar