Actress Shraddha Kapoor has been winning hearts ever since she marked her debut in Bollywood. The beauty at present has many lucrative projects in her kitty, one of them reportedly being a biopic on a Kashmiri girl. As per recent reports the Baaghi star is all set to step into the role of a brave Kashmiri girl Rukhsana Kausar who killed a terrorist.
As reported by sources to Pinkvilla, “Makers of the film wanted someone who would look like a 20-year-old onscreen to play Rukhsana. Shraddha Kapoor undoubtedly will do justice to the role. And hence she has been roped into the movie. Shraddha’s role in the film is completely opposite of what she has portrayed in most of her movies.”
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For the unversed, Rukhsana Kausar is a young Kashmiri girl, who shot dead a LeT terrorist. She also injured another at her residence in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir. A group of terrorists barged into Rukhsana’s house on the night of September 27, 2009. She along with her brother overpowered LeT’s Abu Osama, snatched his AK-47 and fired at him, killing him on the spot.
But as yet there has been no confirmation of the same from the makers or Shraddha Kapoor so far.
On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor was recently seen in a song from Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon starrer Bhediya. The diva took the internet by storm with her sizzling moves on the dance floor as she grooved to the Thumkeshwari song in the movie. Shraddha had a special cameo as a part of a universe created through Stree.
She also has a Luv Ranjan’s untitled romantic drama co-starring Ranbir Kapoor in her kitty. The Aashiqui 2 girl will also be seen in Stree 2 soon.
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