Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda‘s father-in-law Rajan Nanda left for a heavenly abode today. The Chairman and Managing Director of Escorts Limited, since 1994, was brought brain dead to a hospital in Gurgaon. As soon as the news of Mr Nanda broke, many from the industry started pouring in their condolences.
Nikhil Nanda’s (Shweta’s husband) cousin Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, took to her Instagram handle and wrote, ” You were & will always be a legend! Thank you for all the love always – will miss you so much uncle – until we meet again.”
Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor too mourne the loss of Mr Rajan Nanda.
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 5, 2018
Thank you Soniya
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) August 5, 2018
Late Rajan Nanda survived by the wife and two children, Nikhil and Natasha Nanda and their family. Shweta’s husband Nikhil Nanda is the Managing Director of Escorts Limited. Escorts Group is an Indian engineering company that operates in the sectors of agri-machinery, construction and material handling equipment, and railway equipment.
May his soul rest in peace.
Also Read: Amitabh and daughter Shweta’s commercial pulled down