Actors Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday and Deepika Padukone have now kickstarted the promotions of their upcoming film, Gehraiyaan. With this, the good-looking cast is now flaunting their beautiful fashion game during the promotions. Amidst this, we spotted something really adorable when Siddhant rescued Ananya from freezing in the cold which is too cute for words. Well, as Ananya, Siddhant and Ananya were posing for the paparazzi, Ananya who wore a cute brown tube top with beige jeans, was shivering from the Mumbai cold.
Amid the windy climate and the dipping mercury, Ananya seemed to be in urgent need of a jacket and the Gully Boy actor being all chivalrous, gracefully took off his jacket and gave it to her. Siddhant was seen sporting a casual look in jeans and a shirt with sneakers. Ananya was seen sporting an off-shoulder top with white printed pants and matching heels. On the other hand, the Padmaavat actor wore a stunning orange cut-out dress that is asymmetrical. She looked gorgeous.
Ananya and Siddhant’s cute moment certainly stole the limelight, as netizens were in all awe to see Siddhant’s chivalry. Watch the video here:
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This is the first time, Ananya and Siddhant will be coming together on screen. In fact, this is the first time where Deepika, Ananya and Siddhant are coming together for the first time. After Gehraiyaan, the duo will also be seen in Zoya Akhtar’s Kho Gaye Hum Kahan.
Helmed By Shankun Batra, Gehraiyaan starring Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday and Deepika Padukone will be releasing on Amazon Prime on February 11.
Also read: Gehraiyaan: 5 things from Deepika, Ananya, Siddhant starrer that stole our attention instantly