Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra was seen in Shershaah with actress Kiara Advani. Sid will next be seen in Indra Kumar’s Thank God co-starring Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh. The Ek Villain star was recently seen promoting the movie on the reality dance show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10. A video of his performance on the Manike song from Thak God with Nora Fatehi has created a buzz on the internet.
Sidharth Malhotra and Nora Fatehi set the stage on fire with their sizzling moves on Manike. Their sizzling chemistry has won over fans and even the judges on the show.
Colors TV shared the promo of Sidharth and Nora dancing to the popular Manike song. They captioned it, “Badhegi stage ki shaan jab karenge Nora aur Sidharth Saath mein perform! ?”
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In the video, the actors are seen dancing to Manike song. The stars’ dance performance received praise from judges Madhuri Dixit and Karan Johar as well.
Sidharth Malhotra and Nora Fatehi danced to the popular Sri Lankan song in Thank You too. The song was loved by fans and they just could not stop praising Nora and Sid’s sizzling chemistry.
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On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra has Indra Kumar’s comedy-drama Thank God in his kitty. The teaser and trailers were much loved by fans. The movie which also features Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh will release on October 25. The Student of The Year actor is currently busy with his next titled Yodha. The movie is being produced by Dharma Productions. Sidharth also has Mission Majnu in his kitty.
Also Read: Sidharth Malhotra blushes when asked about rumoured girlfriend Kiara Advani- WATCH