For Sidharth Malhotra, the inception of his Bollywood career and the inception of paparazzi poking into his personal life happened together. Sidharth, who did his first film ‘Student Of The Year’ in 2012, was soon rumoured to be dating Alia Bhatt, another debutant with the same film. Reportedly, they’re still going strong.
But hold on, it’s not just about Alia! In similar lines with Bollywood’s other leading actors, Sidharth too is frequently linked up with his female co-stars. Of late, we heard he was gelling up amazingly well with his ‘A Gentleman’ co-star Jacqueline Fernandez. It initially is a bit difficult to cope with the sudden rush of attention, but one slowly learns to deal with it. (Also Read: When Sidharth Malhotra added the ‘Bobby’ touch in ‘A Gentleman’ trailer)
“I have made peace with it. That’s something you have to do.It took me a while to understand it. Since I have no control on that, I can’t change it,” Sidharth told PTI on the same context.
“The best thing to do is to accept it, it gives you a lot of peace, let it pass. Otherwise, I am used to the regular link-up rumours. I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t happen.It’s something to be taken lightly,” he added.
But it gave us a giggle or two when he said Akshay Kumar is the only co-star he was never linked with!
“Initially they used to bother me but not now. I’ve been linked up with all of them barring Akshay Kumar. I feel he is the only co-star with whom I’ve never been linked up. It’s become a norm (referring to link-up),” he further stated.
Must have been difficult for him to handle them initially!
On the professional front, ‘A Gentleman’ is set to hit the screens on 25th August. Sidharth is also a part of the remake of the cult film ‘Ittefaq’ and will be seen alongside Sonakshi Sinha in the same.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.