When Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra announced that they will be collaborating for the first time in Indra Kumar’s unique film Thank God, there was a lot of expectations and excitement regarding that. Recently, the trailer of the film was released and it met all those expectations, increasing the intrigue of the audience to see it on the big screen. What caught the eye of many in the trailer of Thank God was the background music of the viral Sri Lankan song Manike Mage Hithe and yesterday, the makers released the teaser of the song featuring Sidharth and Nora Fatehi. Today, the Hindi version of the song was released titled Manike and it has just made the audience all the more curious to watch Thank God.
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Thank God trailer showed that Ajay portrays God Chitragupt in the film who plays the game of life with Sidharth’s character, making him see all the cardinal sins he had committed in his life on earth. One of those sins is of lust, and a part of that is Sidharth feeling attraction towards Nora. Manike encapsulates that emotion, and it does it quite well.
Check out the song Manike here:
The original Sri Lankan track was sung by Yohani and Parv Mishra, the former has returned for the Bollywood recreation alongside Jubin Nautiyal and Surya Ragunnathan. It is composed by Tanishk Bagchi and Chamath Sangeeth, with lyrics by Rashmi Virag, Dulan ARX (Dulanja Alwis) and rap lyrics by Mellow D. Ganesh Acharya has choreographed the song and has beautifully brought out the chemistry between Sidharth and Nora through his moves.
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Sidharth and Nora had earlier shown a glimpse of the spark between them in Marjaavaan, and with Manike, it comes out in full swing, The set up of the whole video is quite divine giving a heavenly aura, and the colour white complements it completely. Nora again proves why is she considered one of the best dancers out there while Sidharth brings out his charm effortlessly. The soul of the original track has been restored with the music, while also giving it a relatability for the Indian audience with the Hindi lyrics.
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Thank God features Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra and Rakul Preet Singh, and is directed by Indra Kumar. The film is eyeing a Diwali release on October 25, and depicts a unique story of God and man.
Also Read: Thank God Trailer: Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra play an elaborate game of life