Actor Sidharth Malhotra has now released the much-awaited trailer of Yodha which is high on patriotism and action. The movie takes us through the life of Sidharth who joins the army after getting inspired by his father. He is one of the best commandos but due to certain incidents, he gets suspended from the force. However, life gives him another chance when he finds himself in a situation where some terrorists hijacked the plane and passengers. He dives into the mission to rescue the passengers without giving any second thought.
The trailer has some power-packed action that will surely leave your mind blown. From mid-air action sequences to counter-strike action, the makers are ensuring to take action to the next level. We also got to see the sweet romance between Sidharth and Raashii Khanna. He even pulls off Shah Rukh Khan’s signature pose in the movie which is adorable. Moreover, seeing Sidharth doing action is quite exciting and is a visual treat to see him in uniform.
Watch the exciting trailer of Yodha
Yodha also stars Disha Patani as the air hostess. It is jointly produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Shashank Khaitan. The movie is directed by the debutant duo of Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha.
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