He might now be a prominent actor in the Hindi film industry, but Sidharth Malhotra’s beginning, like any other, was full of uncertainty. He came to the city to do a film directed by Anubhav Sinha which never materialised. Shortly after that, Sidharth joined Karan Johar’s ‘My Name is Khan’ as an assistant director. It was then that he auditioned for Karan’s home production ‘Student Of The Year’ and got through.
While the debate on nepotism refuses to die down, we can’t help but wonder how outsiders like him perceive it.
“There are certain aspects and details of the industry I am unaware of. I have seen people obsess over production and the business of movies. Not being aware of these things keeps me sane and I have less pressure. I don’t think I will ever stop being that middle-class Delhi boy because for most of my life I have been that. That helps since most of our audiences belong to the middle-class,” the actor told The Indian Express, in an interview. (Also Read: Sidharth Malhotra talks about clashing with Akshay Kumar at the box office)
And since the beginning of his journey, on which basis has he chosen films?
“I go by my instinct. I don’t believe that anyone else can take the decision on my behalf. After working for the last five years, one learns to follow one’s instinct. Also, one has to know what one wants from each movie. I am doing ‘Aiyaary’ because I like Neeraj Pandey’s movies, which are content-driven. ‘Ittefaq’ is a murder mystery, which I have never done, and my role is more performance-oriented,” answered the actor, admitting that he has tasted both success and failure.
Sidharth’s next release ‘A Gentleman’ is an action thriller. Also starring Jacqueline Fernandez, it will hit the screens on August 25.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.