This year has been a great year for actor Ranveer Singh personally and professionally. After basking in the success of ‘Padmaavat’ and getting married to his ladylove Deepika Padukone recently, the energetic actor is also set to show his acting prowess in the upcoming flick ‘Simmba’ directed by Rohit Shetty. After sharing posters and a few BTS videos, the makers had dropped its trailer on December 3. Ranveer as a good cop turned bad cop looks impressive in the trailer.
Taking to his Instagram handle, Ranveer shared a new poster of ‘Simmba’ with a quirky caption attached to it. In the poster, we see Ranveer in a black shirt and khaki coloured pants with a pair of black shades. He can be seen raising his collars. Have a look at the poster.
If we look at all the posters, we get an idea that Ranveer will play an intense cop as well as a funny one with humorous elements in his character. For the first time, he has donned the role of a cop and we are eagerly looking forward to it. ‘Simmba’ has created a lot of buzz since its announcement. Not only does it has Ranveer, but we can also see the gorgeous Sara Ali Khan romancing him on-screen.
From the trailer, it is obvious that ‘Simmba’ is a hundred percent masala flick with action, comedy, humour, and music. It is the remake of Telugu hit ‘Temper’. Backed by Dharma Productions, it is slated to hit the screens on December 28.
Also Read: ‘Simmba’ Trailer: Fierce and hot Ranveer Singh is bad cop turned good cop