Kailash Kher, who rose to popularity after crooning the hit song ‘Allah Ke Bandey’, has been accused of sexual harassment. The said incident took place in 2006, when photojournalist Natasha Hemrajani had gone to Kailash’s home to take pictures of him. She was accompanied by a colleague.
Taking to Twitter, Natasha wrote, “I was sent with my colleague, a woman journalist, to take pictures of Kailesh Kher at his home for an interview. During the interview, this creep sat between us as close to us as he could. He also kept putting his hands on our thighs (on the skin above our skirts).”
(2) #MeToo
I was sent with my colleague, a woman journalist, to take pictures of Kailesh Kher at his home for an interview. During the interview, this creep sat between us as close to us as he could. He also kept putting his hands on our thighs (on the skin above our skirts)— Natasha Hemrajani (@radiantbear) October 6, 2018
She also added that she was unable to report this as the newspaper would not have published it. With such stories coming up day after day, India’s #MeToo movement is up and running. Even Chetan Bhagat, whose books have been turned into successful movies like ‘2 States’ and ‘Half Girlfriend’ has been accused of sending inappropriate messages.
It’s high time that such perpetrators are named and shamed, so that women in workplaces (in Bollywood and outside it) can feel safe.
Also read: Is Tanushree-Nana Controversy the beginning of #MeToo Movement in Bollywood?