Monali Thakur has been hospitalised. The popular playback singer known for hits like Sawaar Loon and Moh Moh Ke Dhaage, recently faced a health scare. It was during her live performance at the Dinhata Festival in Cooch Behar, West Bengal. While on stage, she suddenly experienced severe difficulty breathing, prompting her to halt the performance immediately.
Monali Thakur was hospitalised after short of breath
Witnesses reported that Monali Thakur appeared in acute distress, leading her team to act swiftly for the singer to be hospitalised. They called for medical assistance, and within minutes, an ambulance arrived to transport her to the Dinhata Sub-District Hospital. She was then admitted to a private hospital in Cooch Behar, where she is currently receiving treatment.
Monali Thakur has not yet provided any health updates on her social media platforms. This incident follows a recent occurrence in Varanasi. She abruptly stopped her concert due to mismanagement and concerns over stage safety. Thakur expressed her frustration over the improper setup, fearing a potential ankle injury, and apologized to her fans.
Monali Thakur slams Varanasi concert organisers
In a viral video from the Varanasi concert, stating “I am disheartened that my team and I were so excited to perform here. Let’s not talk about the infrastructure and its condition, as that is the management’s responsibility… I hope I grow so much that I can take all the responsibility myself and never have to rely on any Tom, Dick, and Harry who are such a waste, unethical, and irresponsible.”
Despite the challenges, she assured her fans that she would return for a better performance in the future. The singer expressed her commitment to delivering quality shows.