Playback singer Shilpa Rao has tied the knot with Ritesh Krishnan. The newly married couple shared their first selfie as husband and wife. Shilpa and Ritesh shared the pic on their social media handles. Shilpa captioned it, “First selfie as Mr. & Mrs.”.
In the pic, Shilpa is seen in a red saree with heavy jewellery and she wore sindoor on her maang. While Ritesh is in an ivory suit. Both looked stunning in their outfits.
Check out the pic here.
First selfie as Mr. & Mrs. ?@Ritz1012
— Shilpa Rao (@shilparao11) January 27, 2021
Congratulatory messages poured in for the couple on social media from Shilpa’s fans and celebs. From Adil Hussain, Annup Sonii to others, many celebs wished the newlyweds.
Wow… Congratulations…. And welcome to the club… ?????
— Adil hussain (@_AdilHussain) January 27, 2021
Many Congratulations ?
— Anup Soni (@soniiannup) January 27, 2021
Singers Debojit Saha and Antara Mitra also congratulated Shilpa and Ritesh.
We congratulate the couple on their new journey.
On the work front, Shilpa recently collaborated with Amit Trivedi for the song Rusvaaiyaan. It is penned by Kausar Munir and crooned by Shilpa Rao and Shahid Mallya. Earlier, Shilpa had also collaborated with Anoushka Shankar on the album Love Letters that got the Best Global Music Album’ nomination for the Grammy Awards 2021.
Shilpa had lent her voice for songs like Khuda Jane, Ghungroo, Ishq Shava, Bulleya, Malang, Manmarziyan, Kalank title track and Meherbaan among others.