Ever since Sofia Hayat announced turning into a nun, she has constantly been in the headlines. Recently she once again ruled the internet with her pictures in which she was seen wearing revealing clothes. To this the former ‘Bigg Boss’ contestant had said that at least she is wearing more clothes than Yoga guru Baba Ramdev!
As if all this was not enough, she recently announced her upcoming project, a film titled ‘Six-X’. Several websites pounced upon the development stating that nun Gaia Mother Sofia is acting in a film that demands her to do intimate scenes. One of the websites referred to the film as an ‘adult film’ and this was something that did not go down well with the model-turned-actress-turned-nun.
She then took to her Instagram account and posted a video message in which she slammed the website in question and asked them to ‘learn their terms and learn some English’.
“Some people need to learn what the term “Adult Movie” means. Six-X has love scenes but although I am wearing sensual underwear, I at no point take it off, or have real sex! Please get your film terminology correct. #Six-X #october14th,” [sic] she wrote.
Watch the video to know more…