Over the years, Kartik Aaryan has gained popularity. Girls go gaga over him and he is currently enjoying a great fan following. However, the actor recently earned netizen’s ire for his TikTok video through which he inadvertently ended up promoting domestic violence. Celebs such as singer Sona Mohapatra and filmmaker Onir bashed Kartik for not understanding the responsibilities that come with the star status.
In the TikTok video shared by Kartik, he was seen throwing off his sister from the balcony for not preparing food to his liking. Sona Mohapatra shared a series of tweets in which she pointed out how Kartik has built his career by doing misogynist films and on top of that he is making such problematic videos as well.
Here’s the video which earned Kartik a lot of criticism
In one of her tweets, Sona wrote, “I have begun to believe that thus is a new PR strategy for many. Put out misogynistic content or even hire a multiple #MeTooaccused & then wait for the feminists to speak up & protest & thus amplify? Free ka publicity. Case in point Kabir Singh, Indian Idol & maybe this too?”
I have begun to believe that thus is a new PR strategy for many. Put out misogynistic content or even hire a multiple #MeToo accused & then wait for the feminists to speak up & protest & thus amplify? Free ka publicity. Case in point Kabir Singh, Indian Idol & maybe this too? https://t.co/jEijOwfiwB
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) April 21, 2020
She further added, “This guy has become a youth idol by consistently starring in misogynistic films &is happy 2extend it to his disgusting #lockdown video. DV in India is skyrocketing many women stuck 24/7 with their abusers.Call this out #India.He influences many more millions than Tangoli”
This guy has become a youth idol by consistently 🌟ing in misogynistic films &is happy 2extend it to his disgusting #lockdown video. DV in India is skyrocketing many women stuck 24/7 with their https://t.co/EF3ixCUdY6 this out #India.He influences many more millions than Tangoli https://t.co/g6dyLFvnEf
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) April 21, 2020
She later shared another Tweet in Hindi stating that Kartik’s video was not funny in fact it is a slap in the face of those women who are trapped inside their home due to the coronavirus lockdown, suffering domestic violence.
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) April 22, 2020
Filmmaker Onir also slammed the ‘Luka Chuppi’ actor. “Idiotic .. someone should tell him since he is too dumb to understand that a lot of responsible Film industry members have put out a message against domestic violence and this is NOT FUNNY. But then who are we taking to..” he wrote in his tweet.
Idiotic .. someone should tell him since he is too dumb to understand that a lot of responsible Film industry members have put out a message against domestic violence and this is NOT FUNNY . But then who are we taking to …
— iamOnir (@IamOnir) April 21, 2020
Following the criticism his video invited by the netizens and celebs, Kartik has deleted that video from his account. Praising the actor for realising his mistake and taking the right step, Sona wrote, “I think it’s fabulous & worth cheering that @TheAaryanKartik took note & brought down his problematic video. I appreciate his response & I do hope to see him in films that are more responsible in their gender messaging too. Love & regards to you Aaryan. May we all grow & evolve.”
I think it’s fabulous & worth cheering that @TheAaryanKartik took note & brought down his problematic video. I appreciate his response & I do hope to see him in films that are more responsible in their gender messaging too. Love & regards to you Aaryan. May we all grow & evolve.
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) April 22, 2020
This is not the first time Kartik has been bashed for his choice of films. Earlier he was bashed for cracking a joke on marital rape in his last release ‘Pati Patni Aur Woh’. The dialogue was later dropped from the film.
Also Read: Kartik Aaryan deletes ‘roti’ video with sister after being bashed for promoting domestic violence
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