Singer Sona Mohapatra is facing backlash from fans of Salman Khan after she tweeted against the actor. Sona is not happy with Twitter for their ‘advertised tweets’ on Salman Khan. She wrote, “Dear Twitter, I don’t follow this person & would request you to spruce up your algorithm to NOT put his advertised tweets on my timeline.”
Here’s Sona’s tweet.
Dear @twitter I don’t follow this person & would request you to spruce up your algorithm to NOT put his advertised tweets on my timeline.
— SONA (@sonamohapatra) March 6, 2019
Salman Khan has a huge fan base. Sona’s tweet didn’t go well with his fans and she had to face abusive tweets from the followers of the ‘Bharat’ star. Have a look at the tweets by the bhaijaan’s fans. While one called her an ‘attention seeker’, one user called it a ‘publicity stunt’.
Neither does @BeingSalmanKhan follows you.. Wonder if he even knows that you exist
— Afridi Ahmed (@Affy498) March 7, 2019
Songs ??? BC jobless k pure jhaath Se career me jhaath Se song h ??
— T H O R (@ibeingwolverine) March 7, 2019
Twitter mein bhi gandu hai . Aaj iska proof ho gaya . Photo dekh ne se jalta hai to jalne do .
— Dibyajyoti Rath (@Thisisdibya) March 6, 2019
Desperate attention seeker.. ????
— Cheena♡SALMAN♡ (@cheena92) March 7, 2019
Aukaat ke bahar na jao madamji! Mai to aapko dekh raha hu pehli baar, naam suna pehli bar so phir bhi itna ghamand! Kaiku?
— Rajnikanth Madne (@BeingRajnikanth) March 7, 2019
This is not the first time that Sona has tweeted something against Salman. Earlier too, she has tweeted about Salman and faced angry reactions from fans.
What do you have to say on Sona’s tweet on Salman Khan? Do let us know your views.
Also Read: Sona Mohapatra trolled for talking against Salman, HITS back with full power