Singer Sona Mohapatra and filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane slammed ‘Kabir Singh’ director Sandeep Reddy Vanga after he shared his take on the recent Hyderabad rape-murder case. Vanga’s recent film ‘Kabir Singh‘ and ‘Arjun Reddy’ were heavily criticised for glorifying toxic masculinity and violence in the name of romance. The Hyderabad case is very sensitive so naturally, netizens were not happy when Vanga tweeted about it.
Sharing his views on the Hyderabad rape-murder case, Vanga took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and wrote, “FEAR is the only factor which can change things radically in society and FEAR should be the new rule. Brutal sentence will set an example. Now every girl in the country needs a firm guarantee.I request @warangalpolice to come into action.#RIPPriyankaReddy(sic).”
Calling out the filmmaker, singer Sona wrote, “Would also help if you did your job better. Stop making films where you glorify sexist behaviour, misogyny & violence against women. Films like #KabirSingh aka #ArjunReddy where you ride on male toxicity for commercial gain. Maybe use your ‘virtue signalling’ in your work?”
Would also help if you did your job better.Stop making films where you glorify sexist behaviour, misogyny & violence against women. Films like #KabirSingh aka #ArjunReddy where you ride on male toxicity for commercial gain. Maybe use your ‘virtue signalling’ in your work?
— Sona Mohapatra (@sonamohapatra) December 1, 2019
Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane too slammed Vanga but in a sarcastic way. “Will that FEAR stop them from slapping her?”
Netizens too bashed Sandeep and asked him to practice what he is preaching. Calling out the director’s hypocrisy one user wrote, “Weren’t you the one who normalized sexual harassment and physical abuse in the name of “love”? You yourself are perpetuating rape culture in your movies. Why are you surprised now that women are unsafe? Look inwards first before preaching to others.”
Weren't you the one who normalized sexual harassment and physical abuse in the name of "love"? You yourself are perpetuating rape culture in your movies. Why are you surprised now that women are unsafe? Look inwards first before preaching to others.
— हवलदार शिंदे 🇮🇳 (@Havaldarshinde) December 1, 2019
Another user wrote, “Ladies and Gentlemen i present to you the great and fabled hypocrisy of our society in action. Keep making feudal and patriarchal movies like Arjun Reddy and also keep preaching along with Vijay Devarakonda about rule of law and values(sic).”
If only Arjun Reddy had that fear factor, or at least respect. Life of Preethi and other girls would have been much better.
— Arpana H S (@ArpanaHS) December 1, 2019
Several Bollywood celebs have condemned the Hyderabad rape-murder case. However, none of them was criticised or called out the way Vanga has been.
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