Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Aditya Roy Kapur will be seen on the cover of Stardust. It is for the first time that Sonakshi has paired up with Aditya. But looking at their raw chemistry on the cover page we are pretty sure that they will soon be bagged for a movie together.
As per sources, Editor Ram Kamal Mukherjee says, “Stardust has always believed in working on unusual pairing. We were the first to bring Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi together for a shoot, and eventually they bagged Lootera.
Later, we did combination shoots with Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra and they bagged Karan Johar’s film Hansee Toh Phasee. This time we thought of bringing Sonakshi and Aditya Roy Kapur together, because they both have some sort of rawness which has not been tapped by any filmmaker or lensman.”
Sources further added, “Sonakshi broke the ice within a few minutes to shoot with newbie Aditya. In the accompanying interview, Sonakshi talks about her affairs which her parents knew about and Aditya clarifies that his sister-in-law Vidya Balan is not pregnant.”
Looking at the two we think son they will form a pair on Big screen.