Salman Khan is much concerned about his rakhi sister Shweta Rohira. The reason behind Khan’s concern is Shweta’s separation from husband Pulkit Samrat. It was Salman Khan who had performed Shweta’s kanyadaan when she had tied the knot with her beau actor Pulkit Samrat. Things did not fare well between the couple due to the ‘Fukrey’ actor’s proximity with actress Yami Gautam, and soon after, they parted ways.
Much has been spoken about Salman and Shweta’s relation but not much is known about how the two first met. Recently she revealed about her first meeting with Salman. Shweta said, “I was in class 7 then. One fine day, I landed outside Galaxy Apartments along with a bunch of kids. I told him (Salman) that I wanted to tie a rakhi on his wrist. We just hit it off from there. We are karmically connected. It was later that he realized he knew my father (Sunil Rohira); they used to chill together at Sea Rock Hotel in Bandra. Bhai did my kanyadaan.”
She further elaborated about her marriage and the subsequent separation from Pulkit Samrat, “I got to know him when I went to interview him for a website I was writing for. We stayed in touch and spent a lot of time together. It was a fairytale romance. Suddenly he dropped a bomb on my birthday (September 23) last year. It was too sudden. He said he wanted to go his way. I told him to come out in the open and acknowledge that we are separating, but he chose not to.”
Also Read: 10 appalling revelations about Pulkit Samrat made by Shweta Rohira