Recently, BJP MLA Ram Kadam tweeted a condolence message for Sonali Bendre. He said in Marathi, “Popular Bollywood and Marathi diva, who has been entertaining with her performances, which were highly appreciated by her fans is no more. Sonali Bendre passed away in America.”
Kadam did take down the tweet later, but that did not save him from criticism. Let’s take a look at a screenshot of the tweet here.
Later, he tweeted that his tweet just perpetrated a rumour he had been hearing since 2 days, and that he wished Sonali Bendre a speedy recovery.
In response to the furore, Sonali’s husband Goldie Behl tweeted, “I appeal to all to please use social media more responsibly. Let us not believe in rumours and spread them, unnecessarily hurting the sentiments of those involved. Thank you.”
Sonali Bendre is currently recovering from high grade cancer in New York. She has been keeping us updated about her recovery through Instagram handle. Her friends too have posted pictures with her. If these pictures are to be believed, Sonali is responding positively to the treatment and should soon be able to defeat the demon that is cancer.
We wish her a speedy recovery, and hope that the rumours stop.
Also read: Sonali Bendre celebrates ‘Read a Book Day’ in the most apt way