Sonam Kapoor recently returned to Mumbai after spending several months in the UK with her husband Anand Ahuja. Ever since the actress has arrived in India, speculations surrounding her pregnancy has been rife. The actress opting for comfy clothes made the eagle-eyed fans and rumour mills work overtime. Thankfully, putting all the speculations to rest, Sonam recently shared a post on her Instagram story. Read on to know, what the actress has to say.
Taking to her Instagram stories, Sonam shared a boomerang video, in which she is seen drinking ginger tea. The Veere Di Wedding actress captioned her video as, “Hot water bottle and ginger tea for first day of my period.”
You can check her Insta story below:
Isn’t this the sassiest way to dismiss all the rumours? We love how Sonam shut down all the gossip mongers for once and all.
A day after Sonam arrived in Mumbai, netizens have been speculating if the actress is expecting her first child with husband Anand Ahuja. Now that the Aisha actress has put all the rumours to rest, we hope the netizens give her a break. The actress had been away from her family for a long time owing to the pandemic. Now that she has reunited with her family, let her enjoy her time with them.
On the work front, Sonam will be next seen in Shome Makhija’s crime thriller Blind. She was last seen as herself in AK vs AK and The Zoya Factor.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor gets emotional as she reunites with father Anil Kapoor after several months
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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