In Hindi film industry, its very rare when filmmakers have showcased a love story of a same-sex couple. So far we have mostly seen the films caricaturing the LGBTQ community. Shelly Chopra Dhar’s ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’ is the surely the unexpected romance of the year as we see Sonam Kapoor playing a closeted lesbian in it. South actress Regina Cassandra is seen playing Sonam’s love interest in ‘ELKDTAL’.
The film has received some great reviews for bringing such stories out in mainstream cinema. However, the film focused more on Sonam’s relationship with her family and very less screen-time was given to her love story. Sharing the reason behind the story not focusing on her love story, Sonam Kapoor told Mid-Day, “The film was categorically about the girl and her family. It was important to show her as simple and ordinary because a gay girl is still a regular girl. We didn’t want to stereotype her. As far as Kuhu (Regina’s character in the film) goes, by design, if the story was bent towards developing their relationship, it would have taken away from showing what the girl’s father [Anil Kapoor] or her grandmother go through, or how her brother treats it as a sickness.”
Here’s a poster of ‘ELKDTAL’ shared by Sonam on her Instagram handle
The actress also opened up about how some people are debating about a scene in the film where she is seen telling Rajkummar Rao to rescue other Sweetys (Sonam’s character) in the world. People argued that particular dialogue portrays homosexuals as victims.
“People debating that line completely missed the point. She was talking about the power of art and its impact. In a movie-obsessed country like ours, we can’t deny the dialogue a film can start. Since Saahil (Rajkummar’s character) is a playwright, she feels that as a storyteller, he can bring about a change,” explained Sonam.
Now that Sonam has explained the actual context of that scene, we hope people understand what exactly the film is trying to convey.
Also Read: ‘ELKDTAL’: Regina Cassandra opens up on playing a lesbian character in her Bollywood debut
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