Filmmaker Boney Kapoor and late actress Sridevi’s elder daughter, Janhvi Kapoor’s debut film, ‘Dhadak’ is all set to hit the silver screens on July 20. However, last night a special cast and crew screening was held in Mumbai by the makers of this romantic drama.
Almost the entire Kapoor khandaan sans Arjun and Anshula Kapoor(they are out of town) attended the special screening last night and thereby showered Janhvi with their love and blessings.
After watching the film beaming with pride, Janhvi’s cousin sister, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja took to her Twitter handle and shared her happiness with the world by posting, “What a stunning debut @janhvikapoor so so proud! Moved beyond words. @ishaankhattar you are magnificent. And this is all thanks to @ShashankKhaitan who has brilliantly captured their innocence, vulnerability and strength! Stunned!!!!!!”
You can check out her post below:
What a stunning debut @janhvikapoor so so proud! Moved beyond words. @ishaankhattar you are magnificent. And this is all thanks to @ShashankKhaitan who has brilliantly captured their innocence, vulnerability and strength! Stunned!!!!!!
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) July 14, 2018
From her post, we can say that Sonam is mightly impressed by Janhvi’s performance in her debut film. Even her father share the similar sentiments as even he showered praises on both Janhvi and Ishaan as he wrote, “Saw #Dhadak last night and all I have to say is #JanhviKapoor & @imIshaanKhatter both are already stars! Their innocence & love will steal your hearts for sure! Loved it!”
Saw #Dhadak last night and all I have to say is #JanhviKapoor & @imIshaanKhatter both are already stars! Their innocence & love will steal your hearts for sure! Loved it!@DharmaMovies @karanjohar @ShashankKhaitan @ZeeStudios_
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) July 15, 2018
Looks like Janhvi has left her family members impressed in her very first film. Now we will have to wait and watch how the audience and critics react after watching the film on July 20.
Also Read: Anil Kapoor, Sonam, Varun Dhawan and others at ‘Dhadak’ special screening
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