In the delightful snapshots and videos shared by Sonam Kapoor, she can be seen savouring a drink alongside her husband, Anand Ahuja. One image captures a beautifully adorned Christmas tree, setting a festive backdrop. The Bollywood star rang in the New Year 2025 in style, enjoying a vacation in England with Anand and their two-year-old son, Vayu. They were joined by Sonam’s sister, filmmaker Rhea Kapoor, and Rhea’s husband, Karan Boolani, making it a family affair. The glimpses from their holiday shared on social media suggest an enchanting getaway.
Sonam Kapoor shares New Year photo dump with husband Anand Ahuja
Sonam took to Instagram to share a collection of pictures, expressing her joy. She wrote, “Happy happy new year! Apologies for the late greetings… I was recovering from a spectacular trip with my nearest and dearest. Huge love to my Sindhi clan @anandahuja @ase_msb @rheakapoor @karanboolani @kashmab @mohit216. Spending New Year’s with you was epic! Missed you @harshvarrdhankapoor. Special shoutout to @estellemanor @eieshabp @sharanpasricha for hosting us at one of the best hotels we’ve ever stayed in—truly world-class.”
In her posts, Sonam Kapoor is seen sharing a drink with Anand Ahuja. In another image showcases the festively decorated Christmas tree. One touching video captures Sonam tenderly holding Vayu in her lap. Beaming at the camera as her little one gazes out at the scenic landscape from their car.
Another heartwarming moment shows Vayu enjoying a toy car ride with his dad, Anand. As soon as Sonam shared the joyous moments on Instagram, fans flooded the comments with love for Vayu, showering the post with heart emojis.
About Sonam Kapoor-Anand Ahuja
Sonam and Anand Ahuja tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. In March 2022, the couple announced the exciting news of expecting their first child. They welcomed their baby boy on August 20, 2022, in Mumbai, sharing their happiness with a heartfelt message. She wrote, “On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and open hearts. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, friends, and family who have supported us on this journey. It’s just the beginning, and we know our lives are forever changed.”