Actor Sonam Kapoor is celebrating her 39th birthday today, June 9. Though her Anand Ahuja has yet to wish her on her birthday on social media, Sonam revealed what special gift she got from her lovely husband. She took to her Instagram stories and shared a picture of Gitanjali book from Rabindranath Tagore. Sonam is overwhelmed as she mentioned that it is the first edition book that was translated in English.
Sharing the picture with fans, the Blind actor wrote, “Birthday present by my amazing husband. First edition Gitanjali by Tagore translated in English. Thank you Anand Ahuja I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” She even shared a video of the same in her next story.
Sonam Kapoor’s gift from Anand Ahuja
Image source: Sonam Kapoor IG stories
Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor share birthday notes for their daughter
Sonam Kapoor’s mother Sunita Kapoor penned a lovely note along with some beautiful snaps of her daughter. She wrote, “Happiest bday to my darling daughter. To my first born, may you always be surrounded by the people you love and may all gods bounties be showered on you and I pray happiness finds you wherever you go love you so much, thank you for all that you do May you stay as warm, generous, giving, empathetic and kind as you are, love you beta.“
Even Sonam Kapoor’s father Anil Kapoor shared an emotional note, calling her an amazing mom, a loving wife and a caring daughter. He captioned, “Happy Birthday, Sonam! @sonamkapoor My firstborn! You’ve always been so special to me. Watching you grow into the wonderful person you are today has been a true blessing. Seeing how you handle everything with such grace and strength—whether it’s being an amazing mom to Vayu, a loving wife, or the caring daughter and sister you are—fills me with pride every single day. Your ability to balance everything and still shine so brightly is truly inspiring. You are the woman who can do it all, and you do it with such style and heart. Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, and all the love you deserve. Love Dad!“
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