Sonam Kapoor‘s upcoming chick-flick ‘Veerey Di Wedding’ is smelling trouble. Produced by Rhea Kapoor, the film is set to mark Kareena Kapoor Khan’s comeback post pregnancy. The makers were supposed to kickstart filming last year, but it was kept on a halt to give Kareena adequate space and comfort for her forthcoming motherhood.
And now, another film with a similar title namely ‘Veerey Ki Wedding’ starring Jimmy Sheirgill is being made. Director Ashu Trikha has finished half of the shooting and by next week, 80% of the work will be done.
Sonam and Rhea are quite not happy with this development. Their father Anil Kapoor, through a letter, has also sought the Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association’s intervention. Trikha, however, is not ready to back out. He claims to have taken copyright of his title and says he also registered it with Indian Film and TV Producers Council. (Also Read: Karan Kundrra bags a meaty role in Anil Kapoor-Arjun Kapoor starrer ‘Mubarakan’)
“Anil will have to choose a new title, since shooting is yet to commence for his film. That’s the only way out,” a senior member of IMPAA told Mid-Day.
We’re yet to hear from the Kapoors on the same.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.