Sonam Kapoor was awarded with the Best Actor award for her portrayal of real-life hero Neerja Bhanot in ‘Neerja’, at a recent award function. And the actress took to social media to thank her fans for all the love.
Sonam took to Instagram to thank everyone and along with that she also spoke about the alleged conversations on who should get the award and who not amongst her contemporaries and said that it is only the experience that matters to her.
Along with her picture holding the award, she wrote, “Thank you for the love.. #bhanots #bling #rammadhvani #teamneerja A lot of conversation has been about awards and who deserves what. As an artist I’m just thankful for the experience of playing #neerjabhanot , That in itself was amazingly rewarding… all this dialogue belittles what this incredible woman stood for. Nevertheless all my love to #teamneerja , this is yours as much as it’s mine.”
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor kept her calm after being sidelined by Deepika Padukone at an award show
Really inspiring.