Alia Bhatt turned 26 on March 15 and she celebrated her special day with media, family and close friends. Fans and celebs poured in their wishes for the birthday girl. Alia’s entire home was filled with flower bouquets and gifts. The actress took to her Instagram story to share the pictures of her home that has ‘turned into a wonderland’. She thanked everyone including Sonam and Rhea Kapoor for their lovely gifts.
Siblings Sonam and Rhea gifted Alia a white and pink Unicorn balloon with pink heart balloons attached to it. Alia thanked both the sisters for the gift. Here’s the picture.
So cute, isn’t it?
Sonam also took to her Instagram handle to wish Alia on her birthday calling her ‘classy’, ‘sassy’ and ‘kind’.
Alia is currently going through a great phase in her career. Like last year, it seems this year is also going to be a great year for the ‘Raazi’ actress. She will be seen in Abhishek Varman’s ‘Kalank’, father Mahesh Bhatt’s ‘Sadak 2’, Karan Johar’s ‘Takht’, and Ayan Mukerji’s ‘Brahmastra’. Also, she is making her South debut with SS Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’.
Alia was last seen in ‘Gully Boy’ where she was seen in a never-seen-before avatar. Her role of Safeena was very much liked by the audiences and the critics alike. Today, she is one of the most talented young actors in Bollywood and at the age of 26, he has emerged and evolved as an amazing talent.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt’s throwback video by sister Shaheen Bhatt is the best birthday gift ever