Sonu Nigam has turned a year older today and on his 46th birthday, the entire social media is flooded with wishes for the versatile singer. A video of his childhood has gone viral on the internet. The video is of Sonu’s first stage performance. He was seen singing the song ‘Saathi Tere Naam’ from the movie ‘Ustadi Ustad Se’. He was performing with an orchestra wearing a brown pant and a jacket. It was at someone’s wedding where Sonu performed.
Watch the video below.
Happy Birthday #SonuNigam. Here is the rare video of his first stage performance. #bollywood #bollywoodirect #music
— Bollywoodirect (@Bollywoodirect) July 30, 2019
He is currently in New York. Today, on his birthday, the singer shared a workout video of him where he said, “So it is my first work out in my 46 years of life. Although it’s not my birthday in New York. Still some hours to go. But since all of you have been wishing me for my birthday according to Indian time, I would like to thank you all for the love and wishes. Thank you God for giving me a blissful life.”
In the early days of his life, Sonu has faced many hurdles. At Agenda Aaj Tak, Sonu said, “I was born in a lower-middle-class family and my father felt what he could not do as a singer, maybe my son will do.”
Also Read: Sonu Nigam Birthday Special: 8 romantic songs of the singer for the old-school lover in you