Actor Tiger Shroff’s last release ‘Baaghi 2’ had a record-breaking opening at the box-office and emerged as the highest grossing film of the year. The film recently broke into the Rs100 crore club. And looks like Tiger is now eyeing the same with his year-end release ‘Student Of The Year 2’.
The actor is now all set to star in director Punit Malhotra’s ‘Student Of The Year 2’. The film went on the floors today and the movie’s director Punit Malhotra took to Instagram to share this news. Here, have a look at the post:
Tiger Shroff too took on Twitter and shared his look from the sets and we are eagerly waiting for the film. And looks like the director of the film is already impressed with Tiger and labeled him the best student. Here, have a look at Tiger’s look in the film :
Talking about ‘Student Of The Year’, the film directed by Karan Johar saw today’s stars Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan make their grand debut in Bollywood in the 2012 release.
Talking about the ‘SOTY2’, the makers of the film as of now have only announced about the film’s male lead Tiger Shroff and have maintained suspense over the film’s leading lady. Actor Samir Soni will be stepping in veteran actor Rishi Kapoor’s shoes as the dean in the film. (Also Read: Irrfan’s ‘Blackmail’ has a poor first weekend)
The film which is produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions has gone on the floors today and will release on November 23 this year.
Watch the space for more updates on the film.