Shah Rukh Khan

Bollywood’s hotshot filmmaker Aditya Chopra who believes in doing things big, has roped in one more international crew for his upcoming venture “Fan” starring Shah Rukh Khan. Well after Hollywood Makeup Artist, a South Korean Stunt Director for Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Fan’. Now the movie that is directed by Maneesh Sharma, will have two international crew as Chopra and Sharma have signed in stunt director O se-young, who will direct action scenes for Khan.


According to sources, O se-young has directed action scenes in several hit films including “King And The Clown”, “Running Turtle” and “Blades Of Blood”. The director has discussed the action scenes for Shah Rukh Khan with O se-young, keeping in mind his injuries.

Sources further added that “He will direct the stunts in Mumbai, Delhi and Croatia. This is the first Indian film he is working on. It will go on the floors in July this year. Since SRK will be seen doing some high-octane action sequences, he wants to make it a special treat for audiences. That’s why he is keen to shoot the film at a location that is largely untapped by Bollywood films.”

The director and producer will visit the places in European countries to decide the location for the shoot. The likely place seems to be apparently Croatia.