Shah Rukh Khan does it once again. The Khan who has been constantly being injured on the sets of his films has hurt himself yet again.The past year has taken a toll on his health. He had hurt his knee while doing some stunts for Maneesh Sharma’s ‘Fan’.This time, around it, was on the set of his upcoming film ‘Raees’ that the Badshah was spotted holding onto a crutch while interacting with some fans.
The hectic schedule that SRK has been following completing his upcoming releases ‘Fan’ and ‘Raees’ along with his brand endorsements has taken a toll on his health. He has exerted himself yet again. The Khan has strained his left knee while shooting the final leg of this scheduled shoot with Mahira Khan in Mumbai’s Film City.
The next schedule of the film will be in Gujarat. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is expected to join the team there. An Eid release ‘Raees’ has SRK romancing Pakistani beauty Mahira Khan in the Rahul Dholakia directorial that is produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Siddhwani.
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