Earlier this year, the much-in-love couple, actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli had parted ways, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts. However, quite recently, the duo has been sighted together at various places, sparking a hope amongst the fans. Anushka and Virat were recently spotted at the Caribbean island country of Saint Lucia. The handsome skipper and his Men in Blue are currently touring West Indies for a Test series, and the Bollywood beauty was seen cheering for her beau and his team’s face off with the Windies, at the Darren Sammy Stadium.
The couple who had been very open about their relationship had sent shock waves when they broke up. But seems like after their reconciliation they are preferring to lie low now.
Sources say, “Anushka was present for the third match which started yesterday. Dressed casually in a t-shirt and denims, she cheered the team on from the stands at the Darren Sammy Stadium. She’s keeping a low profile as she mingles with the team and their families and has been spending quality time with Virat.” (sic)
The couple have been spotted on dinner outings. Virat had accompanied Anushka for a special screening of Sultan too. The two were even caught on camera shopping in London.
Also Read: Anushka Sharma’s candid confessions on her relationship with Virat Kohli