Well, till now we were just dreaming of watching Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan on big screen together in the latter’s upcoming film ‘Tubelight’, directed by Kabir Khan. Reports had it that SRK will be having a cameo in ‘Tubelight’ and indeed these reports are true. Internet is flooded with the pictures of the two clicked on the sets of ‘Tubelight’.
Though we are disappointed that there’s no picture of Salman and Shah Rukh Khan together, but look at the brighter side. There’s going to be a good scene in ‘Tubelight’ that would show Salman and SRK’s brotherhood on the big screen. That’s what we await.
Not to miss the tattoo that’s there on SRK’s face. So do we expect a tattooed Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Tubelight’? Probably, yes!
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Talking about the film ‘Tubelight’, the film will mark the Bollywood debut of Chinese actress Zhu Zhu. It has been extensively shot in the hilly regions of Ladakh and it would release on the Eid, 2017. Salman’s films that release on Eid have always been a blockbuster, and ‘Tubelight’ certainly seems to be one, going by the buzz.
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A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.